Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday, 30 July:  Copenhagen

Just a quick entry to let everyone know that I arrived safely this afternoon and am enjoying dinner and a beer at a lovely outdoor cafe.  It will be an early night for me--and then I head for the ship in the early afternoon.
I'll really get into posting once I'm on board.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday Evening 10pm: New York City

I've just printed my boarding pass for tomorrow night's flight to Copenhagen, so I think I'm in good shape.  The flight is 8 hours and 15 minutes flying time.  When I arrive in Copenhagen I will report on the special "Economy Comfort" seat I paid for.

Today's flights (Tucson-Atlanta-LaGuardia) were crowded to the rafters--I am continually amazed at what people try to squeeze into the overhead compartments, fully abetted by airline employees--but I managed to get here without too much bruising (ego or otherwise).  My suitcase weighed only 40 pounds, so I've got room to gain 10 pounds more as I travel!

I'm spending tonight at my cousin Helen's in Manhattan and am happy to report she continues to progress nicely from her surgery.  It was only 82 degrees today--a whole lot more pleasant than the 105 when I was here last week.

The next entry will be from Copenhagen.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2011 Copenhagen to London

Wednesday, 27 July:  Getting Ready
Welcome to a 12-day Copenhagen to London cruise on Holland America’s ms Eurodam.  I have reserved my favorite stateroom on the top deck looking out the front of the ship, with a spectacular view over the bow.  This will be my third sailing on the Eurodam, and I am hoping that my favorite wine steward, Anthony, is still serving in the main dining room. 
I fly from Tucson to New York tomorrow (Thursday) and spend one night at my cousin Helen’s on 15th Street.  I will have all day Friday in the city since my flight to Copenhagen doesn’t depart until 10:10pm from JFK, arriving in Copenhagen in the early afternoon on Saturday.  I have reserved a seat in Delta's "Economy Comfort" section, which for a small fee gives you 4" extra leg room, a larger reclining pitch for the seat, and early boarding privileges.

I will spend Saturday night in Copenhagen before the Eurodam sails on Sunday at 5pm; we reach our first port, Oslo, at noon on Monday.  Yes, it does seem a strange time to be visiting Oslo, but I hope the continuing visits of tourists will be a psychological boon to the wounded souls of Norway.

I will try to make some new entries in New York and Copenhagen, but I may not be able to continue full-force until the Eurodam has sailed.

My full itinerary appears below:

July 2011
Thu         28 / 7:25 am / lv Tucson / DL 319 
                       2:03 pm / av Atlanta 
                       3:35 pm / lv Atlanta / DL 486 /
                       5:59 pm / av New York (LGA) (1 night)
Fri           29 / 10:10 pm / lv New York (JFK) / DL 118 
Sat          30 / 12:25 pm / av Copenhagen (1 night) /  First Hotel Vesterbro 

Sun         31 / 5 pm / lv Copenhagen / Holland American ms Eurodam (12 nights) 
August 2011
Mon          1 / 1 pm av Oslo (1 night)

Tue           2 / 4 pm lv Oslo

Wed          3 / 7 am av Kristiansand, Norway / 4 pm lv Kristiansand

Thu           4 / 8 am av Bergen, Norway / 5 pm lv Bergen 

Fri             5 / 8 am av Alesund, Norway / 9 pm lv Alesund

Sat            6 / at sea  

Sun           7 / 8av Invergordon, Scotland / 5 pm lv Invergordon 

Mon         8 / 9 am av So Queensferry (Edinburgh)

Tue           9 / 1 am lv So Queensferry / 8 am av Newcastle-upon-Tyne / 5 pm lv Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Wed        10 / at sea

Thu         11 / 8 am av Zeebrugge, Belgium / 11:59 pm lv Zeebrugge

Fri           12 / 7 am av Dover / Disembark Holland American ms EurodamHilton Hotel London Islington (4 nights)
Tue         16 / 12:30 pm / lv London (LHR) / DL 149 
                       3:39 pm / av New York (JFK) (1 night)

Wed        17 / 2:00 pm / lv New York (LGA) / DL 2247                   
                       4:37 pm / av Atlanta
                       7:55 pm / lv Atlanta / DL 1027 
                       8:45 pm / av Tucson