Thursday, June 6, 2013


I’m still home in Tucson but already starting to think about the next cruise . . .

Thursday, 23 May 2013 
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Our second day in Nova Scotia begins with misty rain that stays with us all day.  The weather is far different from the beautiful sunshine of my visit in September 2012, when I spent a day and a half here as the ms Eurodam made its way from Amsterdam to New York (you can link back to that day through the archive on the right side of the web page).

But a little rain and mist won’t keep us from Peggy’s Cove, arguably the world’s most beautiful fishing village—certainly one of its smallest with only 390 permanent residents.  The chief things to do in Peggy’s Cover are to visit the lighthouse, walk around the village, and eat lobster rolls at the Sou’wester Café.  It may be only 9:30 in the morning, but it’s never too early for a second breakfast of lobster roll and coffee.  The forecast high temperature in Halifax today is 45°, so a brief walk through the village will have to do.  Today is the first day the weather has interfered with our plans so we really can’t complain.


After we return to Halifax, we receive free passes to use the on the three routes of the Hop On/Hop Off Bus system, but after a short ride we decide just to walk along the renovated pier—Harbourwalk—and enjoy looking at the old ships moored in the fog.  Will has been unsuccessfully looking for shoelaces for the past several days, so we stop at a men’s store in one of the small shopping “malls” along the pier.  The salesman tells us that the shop doesn’t sell shoelaces, but since he is bored with nothing to do he rummages around in the back and comes up with two pairs (one brown and one black) that he cheerfully and freely bestows upon Will.


Tonight is the second formal night in the dining room where we enjoy “surf and surf” (two fresh lobster tails) instead of “surf and turf.”  More champagne helps brighten the mood in spite of the day’s bad weather and the thought that tomorrow we have to start packing again!