Saturday, October 4, 2014

This is the 8th in a series of photographs from
our cruise on ms Prinsendam

31 August 2014

St Petersburg, Russia (1)

Suburban Apartments:

St Petersburg Underground:
  World's Deepest Escalators 

     Underground Platforms

Downtown Architecture--18th Through 20th Centuries:
City Center:  Nevsky Prospekt

City Center:  Opera House

Gostiny Dvor Shopping Center (1757-85)
Domes of St Nicholas Naval Cathedral of the Epiphany

Church of Ss. Isidor and Nicholas

Mariinsky Ballet and Opera Theatre (formerly Kirov) (1859)
Griboedov Canal Embankment

Russian Ethnographic Museum

Larry on the Griboedov Canal Embankment

The Peter and Paul Fortress (1712-33)

More St Petersburg Photos to Follow in Later Postings