Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday, 7 December 2018
Sailing Montevideo to Stanley, Falkland Islands

Still sailing onward to the southeast.  Yesterday’s seas were a little rough, although not uncomfortable, but the waves have smoothed out considerably this morning.  The blog, however, returns to Sunday in Buenos Aires.

Sunday, 2 December 2018
Buenos Aires

The streets of BA, deserted yesterday because of G20 security apparatus, today return to normal, busy with pedestrians and traffic. After my morning walk I return to the hotel to rest before our organized evening experience.  From the hotel it is a short ride to the old port to sail upriver to Tigre, a popular suburb.  We are supposed to sail at 5:30pm but are delayed until almost 7:00. Unfortunately, the late departure means that the river journey is almost totally in the dark, preventing us from seeing anything along the journey.  The reason for the late start is that since we are a very large group, we are being given sole access to the museum, dinner, and tango performances--after the museum has officially closed for the day.

Sailing Past the Buenos Aires Yacht Club
After about one hour and 15 minutes we arrive in Tigre, and dock right at the museum, where we receive a brief tour before heading upstairs to the outdoor terrace for free drinks, and local foods.  

After dinner, there is a tango presentation, with live music and professional dancers.  As we will learn in the on-board lecture tomorrow, tango is more than just music and dance, it is a cultural phenomenon in Argentina.

Tomorrow is embarkation day, although the ms Zaandam will spend the night docked in BA, where we have an intensive day tour scheduled.  I will begin with that in the next blog.