Thursday, June 15, 2023

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

At Home in Tucson

I arrived home in Tucson last night at 11pm after a very long "day" of traveling. Because of flight delays, missed flights, and cancellations, from the time I awoke in Amsterdam to the time I arrived home 28 hours had passed. But now that I am home where the wifi is faster and more reliable I shall continue with the blog as if I were still traveling on the rivers in Germany. That is, in between doing laundry and other "welcome home" chores.

Friday, 9 June 2023
Sailing the Rhein from Koblenz to Frankfurt 

From Koblenz, Imagery II begins its daylong sail up the most scenic stretch of the Rhein River Gorge. All along this passage the hills are topped by many medieval castles, some restored and some in romantic ruin. Both sides of the river are lined with small scenic villages, many connected by ferry since no bridges can be built on this scenic stretch. There are rail lines on both sides, offering views to passengers as they speed by on Germany’s high speed trains (I have done that a number of times). And, of course, vineyards line the arable hills in the sunshine.

Scenic Villages Along the Rhein

Medieval Castles and Ruins

Ferry Connections
and High-Speed Trains

Vineyards in the Sun

The most well-known and nautically dangerous passage is the “Loreley,” where legend tells us that a beautiful woman lured sailors to their deaths by her song from the top of the rocks.

Statue of the "Loreley"

We make one stop, at Rüdesheim am Rhein, perhaps the most famous wine village in all of Germany. I was last here in 1997 and things haven’t changed much except for higher prices and bigger crowds. And today the town is filled with Harley bikes and bikers as far as the eye can see (and the ear can hear), part of a national meeting of Harleys.

Rüdesheim am Rhein

The shore excursion today visits the Mechanical Musical Instrument Museum. The renaissance building which houses the museum is quite interesting, but the tour itself is a bit tedious. Fortunately it takes less than an hour, which leaves lots of time to wander the quaint village.

Scenes Round and About Rüdesheim am Rhein

Hanging Signs in Rüdesheim am Rhein

This is the last sailing day of the cruise. We reach the outskirts of Frankfurt at 4pm and we will be docked here through tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday morning until disembarkation at 7am.

More about the end of the cruise and the travel days that follow in the next several blogs.