Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Valencia, Spain

Another gorgeous day in this gorgeous city.  Although Valencia began as a Roman port, during the Middle Ages it turned away from the sea and developed with its face toward the rich farmlands of the interior.  The central city, with its ancient quarter of religious sites and its governmental center, makes for compact and easy touring.  Even at its farthest edges, where the new and spectacular City of Science and Art stands is only a 30 minute walk from the center.  And the seafront is just a short distance beyond.

The modernist design of Valencia's buildings create an architectural coherence that is rare in any large city (DC is another example, although not modernist).  Almost every building in the central part of the city is worth a photo--but I have restrained myself and taken only a few.

Today I skip the hotel's expensive breakfast buffet and head for a bakery/cafe--they are everywhere--to enjoy hot coffee and croissants.  My destination this morning is the City of Science and Art, a complex of public attractions built between 1998 and 2006 by Spain's greatest architects.  If the city of Valencia's core looks back 100 years, the new center looks forward to the future.  A series of monumental futuristic post-modern buildings rises above the former riverbed to transport the visitor into a world of fantasy. 

Today I simply enjoy seeing the grounds and admiring the buildings.  The ticket line for admission to the Aqarium and other sites (yes, you have to pay), is much too long.  Instead I buy a timed admission ticket for Thursday, when I can concentrate on visiting the Aquarium (largest in Eurrope), the Museum of Science, and other parts of the site.

But for now, as I prepare for my 6pm train to Cartagena, I leave you with pictures.

Rear View of Prince Philip Concert Hall

Front View of Concert Hall

Oculus "Eye" with Its Watery Reflection

Not a Selfie, But That Is Me

Oculus and Concert Hall
Science Museum

Bubble Boys at Play

Science Museum
Other Views of City of Science and Art

Magnifico.  More when I return to Valencia from Cartagena tomorrow night.