Monday, April 1, 2024

Sunday, 31 March 2024
Roseau, Dominica
At 9am Sirena is docked at the island nation of Dominica (pronounced Dom-in-eék-a), another first-time port for both of us. From our veranda this island looks about 20 times the size of Jost Van DykeI hate to report that it looks like another perfect weather day, although the heat and humidity are already rising into the 80's. In about an hour we head out on the first Oceania shore excursion of the journey.  But more on Dominica in the next blog, for now I head back to yesterday, 
Saturday, 30 March 2024
Jost Van Dyke, British West Indies

I have already indicated the reason behind this very Dutch name for this very small British island. Without counting a few uninhabited islets nearby, the main island consists of just five square miles. Sirena is anchored peacefully very close off-shore. There is hardly a ripple on the sea and the tender takes about five minutes to get me to shore. Will is leery of getting on and off the tender so he stays on board. Fortunately, this is the only tender port on this 14-day cruise.

The View from Our Deck Seven Veranda as Sirena Approaches Jost Van Dyke

Once on shore I take a slow walk from the tender landing at the western end of Grand Bay to the eastern end of the town and beach. The round trip takes little more than an hour as I feel the cooling breezes from the shore and admire the funky shop- and bar-fronts on the other side of the road. There are only two sights other than the shops and bars: an above-ground cemetery and an abandoned and derelict church.

I return to Sirena in time to join Will for lunch. We spend the afternoon relaxing in our stateroom watching the Oscar-nominated film, Anatomy of a Fall, which we both enjoy. It is an intelligent examination of marital fidelity, guilt, and justice, performed by an excellent international cast. Everyone has heard of the magnificent performance of Messi, the border collie who plays "Snoop," but the young actor who plays Snoop's human is also very good.

We opt for dinner in the Terrace Cafe. Will enjoys crab cakes, mixed salad, baked potato, and chocolate ice cream paired with strawberry sorbet for dessert. I have pate Lorraine, mixed green salad, caramelized shrimp, long-grain rice, and sautéed vegetables. My dessert is a lovely baba au rhum.

All that is filling enough for a good night's sleep in preparation for our first Oceania shore excursion tomorrow.