Saturday, November 5, 2022

 Saturday, 5 November 2022

Sydney, Australia

G'Day from Sydney

I arrived in Sydney early yesterday morning, but this is the first chance I have had to post a blog entry. Before getting on to Sydney itself, I will present a brief (or not) summary of my adventures getting here from Tucson.

Wednesday, 2 Nov 2022

Although I set an alarm for 3:30am, I really didn't sleep much during the night. This made Luke very happy since he got lots of extra snuggles all night long.

I leave MVRV--notice I use the present tense when I travel--at 4:45am, with one 54-pound rolling suitcase, one carry-on, and one small shoulder bag. If you have followed LFLatSea previously, you'll note how that is traveling light. It was quite a struggle getting everything in, especially electronics, toiletries, and medications (for any emergencies). Will drives me to the airport where we arrive with plenty of time to spare. My priority check-in goes very quickly and a wheelchair takes me through all the security formalities pretty quickly, although I do get a complete body scan, since I still have a titanium hip (after all the other metal was removed from my left femur five weeks ago). Oddly, for the very first time I am not allowed to carry on my unopened Biotene toothpaste tube, since it was deemed “too large”—that has never happened before, even with the same-sized tube.

Then it's the usual boring wait at the gate. As a First Class passenger --free flight with AA frequent airline miles--I am the first one on the plane. The plane is not very full; there are only five passengers in First Class (which can seat 15). Coffee and two small cookies are all the amenities I get, except for the larger single seat. The good part is that the flight takes just over 90 minutes; the bad part is when we land in LA we taxi forever to an outside gate, with only a metal ramp for exiting. Then comes a bus ride, with my wheelchair chained to the floor, to reach the main terminal. 

The free hotel shuttle arrives quickly, and I am soon on my way to the nearby Marriott Courtyard LAX. I have booked a room for 10am-6pm on The room has excellent wifi and a good supply of electric outlets (unlike the fancier Hilton LAX that I stayed at on my way to Dubai last year). I have lunch at Original Rinaldi’s Deli around the corner on Century Boulevard. After lunch I have time for a nap before my airport return at 6pm.

At 7:45 in the evening, I await my 11:30 flight to Sydney in United Airlines Polaris Lounge. Check-in goes very smoothly and I am quickly transported to the lounge, where free food, liquor, entertainment, electronics and other amenities await the weary traveler. At 10:30 I am taken to the gate for priority boarding of UA flight 838, non-stop to Sydney after 15 and 1/2 hours in the air.

United Airlines Polaris Lounge



Wednesday-Friday, 2-4 Nov 2022

The Polaris seat-beds are quite comfortable, equipped with a blanket and two pillows. Passengers also have clean slippers to use and a host of other freebies. Dinner is served on linen placements, with each course presented separately. I enjoy a glass of champagne, sparkling water, mixed green salad, shrimp cocktail, and chicken Parmesan--with a large serving of ice cream for dessert.

The Lights Dimmed for Take-Off

As I fly eastward through the night on 2 December, the plane crosses the Pacific Ocean and the International Dateline. Thursday disappears and I wake up on Friday morning, 4 November, as we prepare for landing in Sydney--miraculously one hour early after a bumpy night.

The Morning Sun Bleaches Out Everything

And with that final comment, I shall say goodnight to this posting. The next one will cover my first two days in Sydney, where the weather is beautiful with bright sunshine and warm temperatures; where the city skyscrapers convey vibrant charges to the streets below, and where all the people are beautiful.